Derived from Sam W. Wiesel and Todd J. Albert's four-volume Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery, this single-volume resource contains a comprehensive, authoritative review of a full range of joint reconstruction surgical procedures. In one convenient place, you'll find the entire Adult Reconstruction section, as well as relevant chapters from the Trauma section of Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery. Superb full-color illustrations and step-by-step explanations help you master surgical techniques, select the best procedure, avoid complications, and anticipate outcomes. Written by global experts from leading institutions, Operative Techniques in Joint Reconstruction Surgery, Third Edition, clearly demonstrates how to perform the techniques, making this an essential daily resource for residents, fellows, and practitioners.
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{"title":"Operative Techniques in Joint Reconstruction Surgery","subtitle":"","e_issn":null,"url":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e600tww&AN=3368044&site=ehost-live&scope=site","series":"","edition":"3rd edition","author":"Edwin Su-Seth Jerabek","contract_publisher":"","imprint_publisher":"Wolters Kluwer Health","pub_year":"2022","interest_area":["Orthopedic"," Surgery"],"lcc":"RD686 .O64 2022","lcsh":"Arthroplasty.,Artificial joints.,Hip joint--Surgery.,Joints--Surgery.,Knee--Surgery.","language":"eng","format":"EPUB","downloadable":"TRUE","fiction":"FALSE","abridged":"","book_id":"3406779","isbn":"9781975172046","eisbn":"9781975174026","ocn":"1257480662","ddc":"617.4\/720597","isPdfLink":false,"isSAML":true,"an":"3368044","number_other":"","type_pub":"","isbn_print":"9781615373314","isbn_electronic":"9781615374526","languages":"English","date_entry":"","date_update":"","doi":"","titleSource":"","date_pub_cy":"","type_document":"","volume":null,"issue":null,"authored_on":"2022-01-01","description":"This new edition of The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Mood Disorders is a systematic and painstaking reconceptualization of its predecessor. Under new editorial direction and with a revised roster of expert contributors, the second edition is an utterly current, clinically competent, and comprehensive text that will become an instant classic. The book is structured for learning and easy reference, moving deftly from symptomatology and epidemiology to pathogenesis and on to somatic interventions, cognitive-behavioral interventions, and psychotherapy. The latest science on genetics and epigenetics, brain imaging, and neurobiology are also examined in depth. Critically important to the clinician is the section on management of mood disorders, which provides treatment guidelines for major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder, as well as information on understanding, and preventing, suicide in children, adolescents, and adults. Finally, perspectives are offered on depression among women, children, and geriatric patients, as well as on depression across cultures. Practicing psychiatrists, residents, and students alike will benefit from the book's inclusive coverage.Topics new to this edition include the following: \u2022 Treatment-resistant depression\u2014its definition and approaches to its treatment\u2014is addressed in a dedicated chapter that covers diagnostic accuracy, pseudoresistance, comorbidity, pharmacological management, adjunctive strategies, psychotherapy, neuromodulation, and novel and experimental therapies.\u2022 Investigational agents, most notably ketamine and its relatives, constitute an exciting frontier in the treatment of mood disorders, and the clinical application, routes of delivery, dosing, risks, and clinical trials are explored in a dedicated chapter that is both rigorous and thorough.\u2022 There is compelling evidence that childhood maltreatment (defined as exposure to emotional, physical, and sexual abuse and neglect before the age of 18 years) is a prominent risk factor for the development of mood disorders as well as for a pernicious course and poor treatment response in mood disorders. These findings, as well as the underlying neurobiological and environmental interactions that may contribute to the development of mood disorders, are examined thoroughly and thoughtfully.\u2022 As our understanding of immune function in mood disorders has grown, psychoneuroimmunology has emerged as a focus of study likely to make major contributions to clinical practice in the coming decades. The book updates readers on this promising area of research. Over the last decade, depression has emerged as the leading cause of disability worldwide, with significant attendant morbidity and mortality. The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Mood Disorders equips clinicians and trainees with the knowledge they need to alleviate suffering in their patients with mood disorders.","publication_date":"2022-01-01","upload_link":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=nlebk&AN=3406779&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513&group=main&profile=eds","no_of_pages":"","authored_by":"Charles B. Nemeroff, Alan F. Schatzberg, Natalie Rasgon, Stephen M. Strakowski, Charles B. Nemeroff, Alan F. Schatzberg, Natalie Rasgon, Stephen M. Strakowski","header":{"DbId":"nlebk","DbLabel":"eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)","An":"3406779","RelevancyScore":"1110","PubType":"eBook","PubTypeId":"ebook","PreciseRelevancyScore":"1109.74133300781"},"plink":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=nlebk&AN=3406779&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513&group=main&profile=eds","additionalInfo":{"Authored_By":"Edwin Su, Seth Jerabek, Edwin Su, Seth Jerabek","Categories":"MEDICAL \/ Orthopedics, MEDICAL \/ Sports Medicine, MEDICAL \/ Surgery \/ Orthopedic","Subjects":"Knee--Surgery, Hip joint--Surgery, Arthroplasty, Joints--Surgery, Artificial joints","Electronic_ISBN":"9781975174026","Print_ISBN":"9781975172046","Languages":"English","Published_Date":"2022-01-01","Resource_Type":"eBook.","Title_Abbreviations":"Operative Techniques in Joint Reconstruction Surgery"}}
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["Edwin Su, Seth Jerabek, Edwin Su, Seth Jerabek","MEDICAL \/ Orthopedics, MEDICAL \/ Sports Medicine, MEDICAL \/ Surgery \/ Orthopedic","Knee--Surgery, Hip joint--Surgery, Arthroplasty, Joints--Surgery, Artificial joints","9781975174026","9781975172046","English","2022-01-01","eBook.","Operative Techniques in Joint Reconstruction Surgery"]