The primary objectives of the present study are to introduce the Colorado Longitudinal Twin Study of Reading Disability, the first longitudinal twin study in which subjects have been specifically selected for having a history of reading difficulties, and to present some initial assessments of the stability of reading performance and cognitive abilities in this sample. Preliminary examination of the test scores of 124 twins with a history of reading difficulties and 154 twins with no history of reading difficulties indicates that over the 5- to 6-year interval between assessments, cognitive and reading performance are highly stable. As a group, those subjects with a history of reading difficulties had substantial deficits relative to control subjects on all measures at initial assessment, and significant deficits remained at follow-up. The stability noted for all cognitive and achievement measures was highest for a composite measure of reading, whose average stability correlation across groups was 0.80. Results of preliminary behavior genetic analyses for this measure indicated that shared genetic influences accounted for 86% and 49% of the phenotypic correlations between the two assessments for twin pairs with and without reading difficulties, respectively. In addition, genetic correlations reached unity for both groups, suggesting that the same genetic influences are manifested at both time points. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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{"article_title":"Guidelines for the Institutional Implementation of Developmental Neuroprotective Care in the NICU. Part B: Recommendations and Justification. A Joint Position Statement From the CANN, CAPWHN, NANN, and COINN.","author":"Milette I, Martel MJ, da Silva MR, Coughlin McNeil M","journal_title":"The Canadian journal of nursing research = Revue canadienne de recherche en sciences infirmieres","issn":"0844-5621","isbn":"","publication_date":"2007-12-01","volume":"57","issue":"2","first_page":"63","page_count":"","accession_number":"28841057","doi":"","publisher":"SAGE Publishing","doctype":"Guideline","subjects":"Canada; Intensive Care Units, Neonatal organization & administration; Intensive Care, Neonatal standards; Neonatal Nursing standards; Canada; Humans; Infant, Newborn; Societies, Nursing","interest_area":["Pediatric Medicine"," Emergency Medicine"," Neurology"],"abstract":"The use of age-appropriate care as an organized framework for care delivery in the NICU is founded on the work of Heidelise Als, PhD, and her synactive theory of development. This theoretical construct has recently been advanced by the work of Gibbins and colleagues with the \"universe of developmental care\" conceptual model and developmental care core measures which were endorsed by the National Association of Neonatal Nurses in their age-appropriate care of premature infant guidelines as best-practice standards for the provision of high-quality care in the NICU. These guidelines were recently revised and expanded. In alignment with the Joint Commission's requirement for healthcare professionals to provide age-specific care across the lifespan, the core measures for developmental care suggest the necessary competencies for those caring for the premature and critically ill hospitalized infant. Further supported by the Primer Standards of Accreditation and Health Canada, the institutional implementation of these core measures require a strong framework for institutional operationalization presented in these guidelines. Part B will present the recommendations and justification of each steps behind the present guidelines to facilitate their implementation.","url":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&db=mdl&AN=28841057","isPdfLink":true,"isSAML":false,"an":"28841057","number_other":"","type_pub":"","issn_print":"07369387","languages":"English","language":"eng","date_entry":"","date_update":"","titleSource":"Annals of Dyslexia. 2007, Vol. 57 Issue 2, p139-160. 22p. 1 Diagram, 10 Charts.","date_pub_cy":"","type_document":"","contract_publisher":"","authored_on":"2007-12-01","description":"The primary objectives of the present study are to introduce the Colorado Longitudinal Twin Study of Reading Disability, the first longitudinal twin study in which subjects have been specifically selected for having a history of reading difficulties, and to present some initial assessments of the stability of reading performance and cognitive abilities in this sample. Preliminary examination of the test scores of 124 twins with a history of reading difficulties and 154 twins with no history of reading difficulties indicates that over the 5- to 6-year interval between assessments, cognitive and reading performance are highly stable. As a group, those subjects with a history of reading difficulties had substantial deficits relative to control subjects on all measures at initial assessment, and significant deficits remained at follow-up. The stability noted for all cognitive and achievement measures was highest for a composite measure of reading, whose average stability correlation across groups was 0.80. Results of preliminary behavior genetic analyses for this measure indicated that shared genetic influences accounted for 86% and 49% of the phenotypic correlations between the two assessments for twin pairs with and without reading difficulties, respectively. In addition, genetic correlations reached unity for both groups, suggesting that the same genetic influences are manifested at both time points. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]","upload_link":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=cxh&AN=28841057&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513&group=main&profile=eds","no_of_pages":"","authored_by":"Wadsworth, Sally J., DeFries, John C., Olson, Richard K., Willcutt, Erik G.","header":{"DbId":"cxh","DbLabel":"Biomedical Reference Collection: Corporate","An":"28841057","RelevancyScore":"676","PubType":"Academic Journal","PubTypeId":"academicJournal","PreciseRelevancyScore":"675.905517578125"},"plink":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=cxh&AN=28841057&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513&group=main&profile=eds","physicalDescription":{"Pagination":{"PageCount":"22","StartPage":"139"}},"additionalInfo":{"Authored_By":"Wadsworth, Sally J., DeFries, John C., Olson, Richard K., Willcutt, Erik G.","Published_Date":"2007-12-01","Source":"Annals of Dyslexia. 2007, Vol. 57 Issue 2, p139-160. 22p. 1 Diagram, 10 Charts.","Languages":"English","Subjects":"READING disability, LONGITUDINAL method, COGNITIVE ability, ETIOLOGY of diseases, GENETICS, COLORADO","Title_Abbreviations":"Annals of Dyslexia","Volume":"57"}}
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["Wadsworth, Sally J., DeFries, John C., Olson, Richard K., Willcutt, Erik G.","2007-12-01","Annals of Dyslexia. 2007, Vol. 57 Issue 2, p139-160. 22p. 1 Diagram, 10 Charts.","English","READING disability, LONGITUDINAL method, COGNITIVE ability, ETIOLOGY of diseases, GENETICS, COLORADO","Annals of Dyslexia","57"]