Post-contrast acute kidney injury. Part 2: risk stratification, role of hydration and other prophylactic measures, patients taking metformin and chronic dialysis patients : Recommendations for updated ESUR Contrast Medium Safety Committee guidelines.

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Clinical Guidelines
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van der Molen AJ, Reimer P, Dekkers IA, Bongartz G, Bellin MF, Bertolotto M, Clement O, Heinz-Peer G, Stacul F, Webb JAW, Thomsen HS
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Urology & Nephrology
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{"article_title":"Post-contrast acute kidney injury. Part 2: risk stratification, role of hydration and other prophylactic measures, patients taking metformin and chronic dialysis patients : Recommendations for updated ESUR Contrast Medium Safety Committee guidelines.","author":"van der Molen AJ, Reimer P, Dekkers IA, Bongartz G, Bellin MF, Bertolotto M, Clement O, Heinz-Peer G, Stacul F, Webb JAW, Thomsen HS","journal_title":"European radiology","issn":"1432-1084","isbn":"","publication_date":"2018 Jul","volume":"28","issue":"7","first_page":"2856","page_count":"","accession_number":"29417249","doi":"10.1007\/s00330-017-5247-4","publisher":"Springer International","doctype":"Journal Article","subjects":"Acute Kidney Injury chemically induced; Contrast Media adverse effects; Hypoglycemic Agents adverse effects; Metformin adverse effects; Renal Dialysis; Acute Kidney Injury physiopathology; Adult; Child; Contraindications, Drug; Contrast Media administration & dosage; Drug Substitution; Female; Fluid Therapy methods; Glomerular Filtration Rate physiology; Humans; Injections, Intra-Arterial; Iodine administration & dosage; Iodine adverse effects; Male; Practice Guidelines as Topic; Radiography; Risk Assessment; Risk Factors; Sodium Chloride administration & dosage","interest_area":["Urology & Nephrology"," Endocrinology"],"abstract":"Objectives: The Contrast Media Safety Committee (CMSC) of the European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) has updated its 2011 guidelines on the prevention of post-contrast acute kidney injury (PC-AKI). The results of the literature review and the recommendations based on it, which were used to prepare the new guidelines, are presented in two papers. AREAS COVERED IN PART 2: Topics reviewed include stratification of PC-AKI risk, the need to withdraw nephrotoxic medication, PC-AKI prophylaxis with hydration or drugs, the use of metformin in diabetic patients receiving contrast medium and the need to alter dialysis schedules in patients receiving contrast medium. Key Points: \ufffd In CKD, hydration reduces the PC-AKI risk \ufffd Intravenous normal saline and intravenous sodium bicarbonate provide equally effective prophylaxis \ufffd No drugs have been consistently shown to reduce the risk of PC-AKI \ufffd Stop metformin from the time of contrast medium administration if eGFR < 30 ml\/min\/1.73 m 2 \ufffd Dialysis schedules need not change when intravascular contrast medium is given.","url":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&db=mdl&AN=29417249&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513","isPdfLink":true,"isSAML":false,"additionalInfo":{"Authored_By":"van der Molen AJ, Reimer P, Dekkers IA, Bongartz G, Bellin MF, Bertolotto M, Clement O, Heinz-Peer G, Stacul F, Webb JAW, Thomsen HS","Journal_Info":"Publisher: Springer International Country of Publication: Germany NLM ID: 9114774 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1432-1084 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 09387994 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Eur Radiol Subsets: MEDLINE","Publication_Type":"Journal Article; Review","Published_Date":"2018-07-01","Source":"European radiology [Eur Radiol] 2018 Jul; Vol. 28 (7), pp. 2856-2869. Date of Electronic Publication: 2018 Feb 07.","Languages":"English","Electronic_ISSN":"1432-1084","MeSH_Terms":"Renal Dialysis*, Acute Kidney Injury\/*chemically induced , Contrast Media\/*adverse effects , Hypoglycemic Agents\/*adverse effects , Metformin\/*adverse effects, Acute Kidney Injury\/physiopathology ; Adult ; Child ; Contraindications, Drug ; Contrast Media\/administration & dosage ; Drug Substitution ; Female ; Fluid Therapy\/methods ; Glomerular Filtration Rate\/physiology ; Humans ; Injections, Intra-Arterial ; Iodine\/administration & dosage ; Iodine\/adverse effects ; Male ; Practice Guidelines as Topic ; Radiography ; Risk Assessment ; Risk Factors ; Sodium Chloride\/administration & dosage","Subjects":"Acute Kidney Injury physiopathology, Adult, Child, Contraindications, Drug, Contrast Media administration & dosage, Drug Substitution, Female, Fluid Therapy methods, Glomerular Filtration Rate physiology, Humans, Injections, Intra-Arterial, Iodine administration & dosage, Iodine adverse effects, Male, Practice Guidelines as Topic, Radiography, Risk Assessment, Risk Factors, Sodium Chloride administration & dosage, Acute Kidney Injury chemically induced, Contrast Media adverse effects, Hypoglycemic Agents adverse effects, Metformin adverse effects, Renal Dialysis","Title_Abbreviations":"European radiology","Volume":"28"},"header":{"DbId":"mdl","DbLabel":"MEDLINE Ultimate","An":"29417249","RelevancyScore":"821","PubType":"Academic Journal","PubTypeId":"academicJournal","PreciseRelevancyScore":"821.2177734375"},"plink":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=mdl&AN=29417249&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513&group=main&profile=eds","upload_link":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=mdl&AN=29417249&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513&group=main&profile=eds"}
Additional Info
["van der Molen AJ, Reimer P, Dekkers IA, Bongartz G, Bellin MF, Bertolotto M, Clement O, Heinz-Peer G, Stacul F, Webb JAW, Thomsen HS","Publisher: Springer International Country of Publication: Germany NLM ID: 9114774 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1432-1084 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 09387994 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Eur Radiol Subsets: MEDLINE","Journal Article; Review","2018-07-01","European radiology [Eur Radiol] 2018 Jul; Vol. 28 (7), pp. 2856-2869. Date of Electronic Publication: 2018 Feb 07.","English","1432-1084","Renal Dialysis*, Acute Kidney Injury\/*chemically induced , Contrast Media\/*adverse effects , Hypoglycemic Agents\/*adverse effects , Metformin\/*adverse effects, Acute Kidney Injury\/physiopathology ; Adult ; Child ; Contraindications, Drug ; Contrast Media\/administration & dosage ; Drug Substitution ; Female ; Fluid Therapy\/methods ; Glomerular Filtration Rate\/physiology ; Humans ; Injections, Intra-Arterial ; Iodine\/administration & dosage ; Iodine\/adverse effects ; Male ; Practice Guidelines as Topic ; Radiography ; Risk Assessment ; Risk Factors ; Sodium Chloride\/administration & dosage","Acute Kidney Injury physiopathology, Adult, Child, Contraindications, Drug, Contrast Media administration & dosage, Drug Substitution, Female, Fluid Therapy methods, Glomerular Filtration Rate physiology, Humans, Injections, Intra-Arterial, Iodine administration & dosage, Iodine adverse effects, Male, Practice Guidelines as Topic, Radiography, Risk Assessment, Risk Factors, Sodium Chloride administration & dosage, Acute Kidney Injury chemically induced, Contrast Media adverse effects, Hypoglycemic Agents adverse effects, Metformin adverse effects, Renal Dialysis","European radiology","28"]
Objectives: The Contrast Media Safety Committee (CMSC) of the European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) has updated its 2011 guidelines on the prevention of post-contrast acute kidney injury (PC-AKI). The results of the literature review and the recommendations based on it, which were used to prepare the new guidelines, are presented in two papers. AREAS COVERED IN PART 2: Topics reviewed include stratification of PC-AKI risk, the need to withdraw nephrotoxic medication, PC-AKI prophylaxis with hydration or drugs, the use of metformin in diabetic patients receiving contrast medium and the need to alter dialysis schedules in patients receiving contrast medium.<br />Key Points: • In CKD, hydration reduces the PC-AKI risk • Intravenous normal saline and intravenous sodium bicarbonate provide equally effective prophylaxis • No drugs have been consistently shown to reduce the risk of PC-AKI • Stop metformin from the time of contrast medium administration if eGFR < 30 ml/min/1.73 m <superscript>2</superscript> • Dialysis schedules need not change when intravascular contrast medium is given.
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