Comparison of guidelines for the use of TNF inhibitors for psoriasis in the United States, Canada, Europe and the United Kingdom: a critical appraisal and comprehensive review.
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Clinical Guidelines
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Shah VV, Lee EB, Reddy S, Lin EJ, Wu JJ
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Internal/Family Medicine
Pediatric Medicine
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Internal/Family Medicine
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{"article_title":"Comparison of guidelines for the use of TNF inhibitors for psoriasis in the United States, Canada, Europe and the United Kingdom: a critical appraisal and comprehensive review.","author":"Shah VV, Lee EB, Reddy S, Lin EJ, Wu JJ","journal_title":"The Journal of dermatological treatment","issn":"1471-1753","isbn":"","publication_date":"2018 Sep","volume":"29","issue":"6","first_page":"586","page_count":"","accession_number":"29334280","doi":"10.1080\/09546634.2018.1428723","publisher":"Informa Healthcare","doctype":"Journal Article","subjects":"Psoriasis drug therapy; Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha antagonists & inhibitors; Antibodies, Monoclonal therapeutic use; Canada; Europe; Guidelines as Topic; Humans; Psoriasis pathology; Severity of Illness Index; Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha immunology; Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha metabolism; United Kingdom; United States","interest_area":["Dermatology"," Internal\/Family Medicine"," Pediatric Medicine"],"abstract":"Purpose: To compare and contrast evidence-based CPGs from leading dermatological organizations for the use of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi) in psoriasis. Materials and Methods: Guidelines from the British National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD), the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF), and the Canadian Dermatology Association (CDA) were reviewed and compared. Results: Various guidelines are similar regarding treatment initiation but have significant differences regarding topics such as continuous versus intermittent therapy, use in erythrodermic and pustular palmoplantar psoriasis and special patient populations. Conclusion: TNF inhibitors remain valuable tools in psoriasis therapy, and guidelines for their use may help clinicians use them effectively.","url":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&db=mdl&AN=29334280&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513","isPdfLink":true,"isSAML":false,"additionalInfo":{"Authored_By":"Shah VV, Lee EB, Reddy S, Lin EJ, Wu JJ","Journal_Info":"Publisher: Informa Healthcare Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 8918133 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1471-1753 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 09546634 NLM ISO Abbreviation: J Dermatolog Treat Subsets: MEDLINE","Publication_Type":"Journal Article; Review","Published_Date":"2018-09-01","Source":"The Journal of dermatological treatment [J Dermatolog Treat] 2018 Sep; Vol. 29 (6), pp. 586-592. Date of Electronic Publication: 2018 Feb 02.","Languages":"English","Electronic_ISSN":"1471-1753","MeSH_Terms":"Psoriasis\/*drug therapy , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha\/*antagonists & inhibitors, Antibodies, Monoclonal\/therapeutic use ; Canada ; Europe ; Guidelines as Topic ; Humans ; Psoriasis\/pathology ; Severity of Illness Index ; Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha\/immunology ; Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha\/metabolism ; United Kingdom ; United States","Subjects":"Antibodies, Monoclonal therapeutic use, Canada, Europe, Guidelines as Topic, Humans, Psoriasis pathology, Severity of Illness Index, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha immunology, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha metabolism, United Kingdom, United States, Psoriasis drug therapy, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha antagonists & inhibitors","Title_Abbreviations":"The Journal of dermatological treatment","Volume":"29"},"header":{"DbId":"mdl","DbLabel":"MEDLINE Ultimate","An":"29334280","RelevancyScore":"821","PubType":"Academic Journal","PubTypeId":"academicJournal","PreciseRelevancyScore":"821.239929199219"},"plink":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=mdl&AN=29334280&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513&group=main&profile=eds","upload_link":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=mdl&AN=29334280&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513&group=main&profile=eds"}
["Shah VV, Lee EB, Reddy S, Lin EJ, Wu JJ","Publisher: Informa Healthcare Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 8918133 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1471-1753 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 09546634 NLM ISO Abbreviation: J Dermatolog Treat Subsets: MEDLINE","Journal Article; Review","2018-09-01","The Journal of dermatological treatment [J Dermatolog Treat] 2018 Sep; Vol. 29 (6), pp. 586-592. Date of Electronic Publication: 2018 Feb 02.","English","1471-1753","Psoriasis\/*drug therapy , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha\/*antagonists & inhibitors, Antibodies, Monoclonal\/therapeutic use ; Canada ; Europe ; Guidelines as Topic ; Humans ; Psoriasis\/pathology ; Severity of Illness Index ; Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha\/immunology ; Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha\/metabolism ; United Kingdom ; United States","Antibodies, Monoclonal therapeutic use, Canada, Europe, Guidelines as Topic, Humans, Psoriasis pathology, Severity of Illness Index, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha immunology, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha metabolism, United Kingdom, United States, Psoriasis drug therapy, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha antagonists & inhibitors","The Journal of dermatological treatment","29"]
Purpose: To compare and contrast evidence-based CPGs from leading dermatological organizations for the use of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi) in psoriasis.<br />Materials and Methods: Guidelines from the British National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD), the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF), and the Canadian Dermatology Association (CDA) were reviewed and compared.<br />Results: Various guidelines are similar regarding treatment initiation but have significant differences regarding topics such as continuous versus intermittent therapy, use in erythrodermic and pustular palmoplantar psoriasis and special patient populations.<br />Conclusion: TNF inhibitors remain valuable tools in psoriasis therapy, and guidelines for their use may help clinicians use them effectively.