Comparison of guidelines for the use of Ustekinumab for psoriasis in the United States, Europe, and the United Kingdom: A critical appraisal and comprehensive review.

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Clinical Guidelines
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Chat VS, Uppal SK, Kearns DG, Wu JJ
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Internal/Family Medicine
Pediatric Medicine
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Internal/Family Medicine
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{"article_title":"Comparison of guidelines for the use of Ustekinumab for psoriasis in the United States, Europe, and the United Kingdom: A critical appraisal and comprehensive review.","author":"Chat VS, Uppal SK, Kearns DG, Wu JJ","journal_title":"Dermatologic therapy","issn":"1529-8019","isbn":"","publication_date":"2021 Jul","volume":"34","issue":"4","first_page":"e14974","page_count":"","accession_number":"33991048","doi":"10.1111\/dth.14974","publisher":"Wiley-Blackwell","doctype":"Journal Article","subjects":"Europe; United Kingdom; United States; Psoriasis diagnosis; Psoriasis drug therapy; Ustekinumab; Europe; Humans; United Kingdom; United States","interest_area":["Dermatology"," Internal\/Family Medicine"," Pediatric Medicine"],"abstract":"The aim of this review is to compare and contrast evidence-based clinical practice guidelines from global dermatological organizations for the use of ustekinumab in psoriasis. Clinical practice guidelines from the American Academy of Dermatology, National Psoriasis Foundation, British Association of Dermatologists, and European S3 were reviewed and compared. Practice guidelines from the three dermatological organizations are similar with regards to treatment dosage and initiation but differ in their recommendations for baseline screening and interval laboratory monitoring, treatment in patients undergoing surgery or receiving live vaccines, and treatment contraindications. Ustekinumab is an effective and well-tolerated systemic treatment for patients with psoriasis and should be considered in the line of therapy that dermatologists discuss with their patients. Consideration should be given to evidence-based practice guidelines of global dermatology organizations to effectively guide treatment decisions in patients with psoriasis. \ufffd 2021 Wiley Periodicals LLC.","url":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&db=mdl&AN=33991048&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513","isPdfLink":true,"isSAML":false,"additionalInfo":{"Authored_By":"Chat VS, Uppal SK, Kearns DG, Wu JJ","Journal_Info":"Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 9700070 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1529-8019 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 13960296 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Dermatol Ther Subsets: MEDLINE","Publication_Type":"Journal Article; Review","Published_Date":"2021-07-01","Source":"Dermatologic therapy [Dermatol Ther] 2021 Jul; Vol. 34 (4), pp. e14974. Date of Electronic Publication: 2021 May 22.","Languages":"English","Electronic_ISSN":"1529-8019","MeSH_Terms":"Psoriasis*\/diagnosis , Psoriasis*\/drug therapy , Ustekinumab*, Europe ; Humans ; United Kingdom ; United States","Subjects":"Europe, Humans, United Kingdom, United States, Psoriasis diagnosis, Psoriasis drug therapy, Ustekinumab","Title_Abbreviations":"Dermatologic therapy","Volume":"34"},"header":{"DbId":"mdl","DbLabel":"MEDLINE Ultimate","An":"33991048","RelevancyScore":"864","PubType":"Academic Journal","PubTypeId":"academicJournal","PreciseRelevancyScore":"863.912902832031"},"plink":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=mdl&AN=33991048&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513&group=main&profile=eds","upload_link":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=mdl&AN=33991048&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513&group=main&profile=eds"}
Additional Info
["Chat VS, Uppal SK, Kearns DG, Wu JJ","Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 9700070 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1529-8019 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 13960296 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Dermatol Ther Subsets: MEDLINE","Journal Article; Review","2021-07-01","Dermatologic therapy [Dermatol Ther] 2021 Jul; Vol. 34 (4), pp. e14974. Date of Electronic Publication: 2021 May 22.","English","1529-8019","Psoriasis*\/diagnosis , Psoriasis*\/drug therapy , Ustekinumab*, Europe ; Humans ; United Kingdom ; United States","Europe, Humans, United Kingdom, United States, Psoriasis diagnosis, Psoriasis drug therapy, Ustekinumab","Dermatologic therapy","34"]
The aim of this review is to compare and contrast evidence-based clinical practice guidelines from global dermatological organizations for the use of ustekinumab in psoriasis. Clinical practice guidelines from the American Academy of Dermatology, National Psoriasis Foundation, British Association of Dermatologists, and European S3 were reviewed and compared. Practice guidelines from the three dermatological organizations are similar with regards to treatment dosage and initiation but differ in their recommendations for baseline screening and interval laboratory monitoring, treatment in patients undergoing surgery or receiving live vaccines, and treatment contraindications. Ustekinumab is an effective and well-tolerated systemic treatment for patients with psoriasis and should be considered in the line of therapy that dermatologists discuss with their patients. Consideration should be given to evidence-based practice guidelines of global dermatology organizations to effectively guide treatment decisions in patients with psoriasis.<br /> (© 2021 Wiley Periodicals LLC.)
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