{"title":"Loss of Pressure Epidural Injection","url":"https:\/\/go.openathens.net\/redirector\/shalina.com?url=https%3A%2F%2Febsco.smartimagebase.com%2Fview-item%3FItemID%3D26493","id":"26493","category":null,"therapy_area":["Obstetrics & Gynecology"," Pain & Anesthesiology"],"keywords":null,"description":"This 3D medical animation depicts a C6-C7 epidural steroid injection with the use of the Loss of Resistance technique. The procedure includes A) insertion of the epidural stylet and needle, B) removal of stylet, C) attachment of Loss of Resistance syringe, D) perforation of the ligamentum flavum with the syringe, E) removal of the Loss of Resistance syringe, attachment of a separate syringe with steroid and local anesthesia and F) injection of the steroid and local anesthesia into the epidural space."}
This 3D medical animation depicts a C6-C7 epidural steroid injection with the use of the Loss of Resistance technique. The procedure includes A) insertion of the epidural stylet and needle, B) removal of stylet, C) attachment of Loss of Resistance syringe, D) perforation of the ligamentum flavum with the syringe, E) removal of the Loss of Resistance syringe, attachment of a separate syringe with steroid and local anesthesia and F) injection of the steroid and local anesthesia into the epidural space.