Abdominal pain is not an uncommon problem which strikes almost every one of us now or then. Most of the pains are simple and not related to serious problems but sometimes these pains can be harbinger for serious ailments. So DO NOT IGNORE ANY PAIN.
Should I treat every pain with suspicion?
Yes, especially if the pain is very severe, intolerable and is affecting your daily routine.
Central Abdominal Pain: Pain in the central abdomen is mostly due to hyperacidity, which is burning kind of pain. Sometimes even a Heart Attack may present with such a pain. In this case the pain is very severe and may radiate to your left arm. This pain can be the pain of ACUTE PANCREATITIS also which usually radiates to the back and may be associated with vomiting. If the pain is not subsiding with antacids, it is time to visit your doctor. Beware before self medicating, even Cancer of the stomach may have the same presentation as simple hyperacidity.