{"title":"What is a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)?","url":"https:\/\/go.openathens.net\/redirector\/shalina.com?url=https:\/\/ebscosafe.smartimagebase.com\/view-item?ItemID=5015","id":"ANCE00199S101","category":null,"therapy_area":["Cardiology"," Emergency Medicine"," Surgery"," Internal Medicine"],"keywords":null,"description":"A coronary artery bypass graft or CABG is performed to improve circulation to the heart muscle. In this procedure, a healthy artery or vein from another part of the body is connected or grafted to the blocked coronary artery. The grafted artery or vein bypasses the blocked portion of the coronary artery carrying oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle. One or more coronary arteries may be bypassed during a single operation."}
A coronary artery bypass graft or CABG is performed to improve circulation to the heart muscle. In this procedure, a healthy artery or vein from another part of the body is connected or grafted to the blocked coronary artery. The grafted artery or vein bypasses the blocked portion of the coronary artery carrying oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle. One or more coronary arteries may be bypassed during a single operation.