{"title":"Ventricular Fibrillation","url":"https:\/\/go.openathens.net\/redirector\/shalina.com?url=https:\/\/ebscosafe.smartimagebase.com\/view-item?ItemID=73149","id":"ANZ23179","category":null,"therapy_area":["Cardiology"," Emergency Medicine"," Internal Medicine"," Pediatric Medicine"],"keywords":null,"description":"This 3D medical animation shows a common abnormal heart rhythm, atrial fibrillation. This animation begins with a normal heart rhythm with electrical signals originating from the sinoatrial (SA) node. As the animation progresses the electrical signals from the SA begin to speed up causing an incomplete heart beat. The electrical signals gradually become disorganized causing irregular contractions of the atria and ventricles giving them a quivering appearance."}
This 3D medical animation shows a common abnormal heart rhythm, atrial fibrillation. This animation begins with a normal heart rhythm with electrical signals originating from the sinoatrial (SA) node. As the animation progresses the electrical signals from the SA begin to speed up causing an incomplete heart beat. The electrical signals gradually become disorganized causing irregular contractions of the atria and ventricles giving them a quivering appearance.