The New-born: A Practical Guide : Paediatric Problems in General Practice

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Authored By
J.B.J. McKendry, J.D. Bailey, J.B.J. McKendry, J.D. Bailey
Authored On
Pediatric Medicine
Pediatric Medicine
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Additional Info
["J.B.J. McKendry, J.D. Bailey, J.B.J. McKendry, J.D. Bailey","MEDICAL \/ Pediatrics","Newborn infants--Health and hygiene, Newborn infants--Care","9781487578381","9781487579104","English","2018-01-01","eBook.","The New-born: A Practical Guide : Paediatric Problems in General Practice"]

Convinced that there is a need for a book in paediatrics that is neither a classical text nor a handbook, but a guide in the management of paediatric problems, the authors have compiled this book for the use of general practitioners, interns, and students. In it they present an orderly investigation of situations which may confront the doctor, stressing the urgency of early diagnosis for which specific treatment is available. Major problems are discussed, and although no attempt has been made to describe all neonatal disease, some of the rarer entities are included, since early recognition is important for successful management. The book beings with “Care of the Full-Term Baby,” and then discusses the major problems of new-borns. A chapter on “Congenital Abnormalities” reviews the main disabilities that can be prevented or treated during the first month of life. Some chapters include definitions of terminology; some present physiological, aetiological, and pathological considerations; but all are organized so that the practical aspects of management are readily apparent. There are sections dealing with procedures and with dosages of drugs, including antibiotics.The readable, practical nature of the text, and the chronological organization of the investigative procedures will make this book useful to the general practitioners who are responsible for such a large percentage of paediatric care. It will be helpful, too, to the medical student and to paediatricians, who will find it a readily available source of initial reference for the major neonatal problems.

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