Unique case-based reference presents high-yield images and expertise focused on vascular neuroradiologyImaging in Neurovascular Disease: A Case-Based Approach by Waleed Brinjikji and Timo Krings is unique in its approach, detailing diagnostic and interventional neuroradiology cases based on radiologic findings. The book explores the key role vascular imaging can play in treatment decision making, prognostication, and improving the understanding of the pathophysiology of neurovascular diseases.Spread over 11 chapters, this book covers a full spectrum of neurovascular diseases spanning the age continuum, starting with acute ischemic stroke, concluding with spinal vascular disease. All vascular neuroradiology cases follow a consistent format. After a succinct introduction describing the clinical scenario with relevant case images, the authors present key facts about the disease and the integral role of different neurovascular imaging procedures in disease management. Imaging findings are discussed in depth, with insightful clinical pearls on image-guided procedures and tips on managing potential pitfalls.Key HighlightsAlmost 800 high-quality noninvasive images, such as MR angiography/MR imaging, CT angiography/CT perfusion, with angiography where applicable, elucidate a spectrum of findingsAnalysis of the imaging appearance of a diverse array of common to rare neurovascular diseases provides diagnostic and treatment insightsEach case concludes with the most important points clinicians need to know, high-yield facts about a specific cerebrovascular disease, and suggested readings for further explorationThis unique case-based book is essential reading for radiology, neurology and neurosurgery residents. It will greatly benefit neurovascular disease specialists including radiologists, neurosurgeons and neurologists as well as interested in furthering their knowledge on the use of neuroimaging to guide neurointerventional and neurosurgical procedures to treat cerebrovascular disease.
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{"title":"Imaging in Neurovascular Disease","subtitle":"A Case-Based Approach","e_issn":null,"url":"https:\/\/search.ebscohost.com\/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e600tww&AN=1925390&site=ehost-live&scope=site","series":"","edition":"","author":"Waleed Brinjikji-Timo Krings","contract_publisher":"","imprint_publisher":"Thieme","pub_year":"2019","interest_area":["Neurology"," Radiology"],"lcc":"RC349.R3 B75 2020eb","lcsh":"Nervous system--Radiography--Case studies.,Neurovascular diseases--Imaging--Case studies.","language":"eng","format":"EPUB,PDF","downloadable":"TRUE","fiction":"FALSE","abridged":"","book_id":"2253779","isbn":"9781684200535","eisbn":"9781638536406","ocn":"1120124528","ddc":"616.80475","isPdfLink":false,"isSAML":true,"an":"1925390","number_other":"","type_pub":"","isbn_print":"9780997772197","languages":"English","date_entry":"","date_update":"","doi":"","titleSource":"","date_pub_cy":"","type_document":"","volume":null,"issue":null,"authored_on":"2018-01-01","description":"This unique textbook provides a concise and practical approach to clinical dilemmas involving the liver, pancreas, and biliary tree. Six major sections encompass (1) Hepatic, (2) Biliary, (3) Pancreas, (4) Transplantation, (5) Trauma, and (6) Innovative Technology. Each topic is written by recognized experts from an'experiential'viewpoint combined with evidence-based medicine. The book contains over 170 chapters and over 350 contributors. It is relevant to Surgical Oncologists, HPB Surgeons, Transplant Surgeons, Traumatologists, HPB Interventionalists, General Surgeons, and trainees and students. The title of each chapter is in a form of a clinical scenario and each chapter begins with a Case Scenario and ends with Salient Points. Special debates are included in each section. There are numerous compelling images, detailed illustrations, comprehensive tables, thorough algorithms, and other adjunctive tools that enhance learning. The authors emanate from different corners of the world. The book is a valuable resource for faculty, students, surgical trainees, fellows, and all health care providers in the HPB\/Trauma\/Transplant\/Oncology fields.","publication_date":"2018-01-01","upload_link":"https:\/\/search.ebscohost.com\/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=nlebk&AN=2253779&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513&group=main&profile=eds","no_of_pages":"","authored_by":"Quyen D. Chu, Charles M. Vollmer, Gazi B. Zibari, Susan L. Orloff, Mallory Williams, Mariano E. Gimenez, Quyen D. Chu, Charles M. Vollmer, Gazi B. Zibari, Susan L. Orloff, Mallory Williams, Mariano E. Gimenez","header":{"DbId":"nlebk","DbLabel":"eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)","An":"2253779","RelevancyScore":"1097","PubType":"eBook","PubTypeId":"ebook","PreciseRelevancyScore":"1096.64697265625"},"plink":"https:\/\/search.ebscohost.com\/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=nlebk&AN=2253779&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513&group=main&profile=eds","additionalInfo":{"Authored_By":"Waleed Brinjikji, Timo Krings, Waleed Brinjikji, Timo Krings","Categories":"MEDICAL \/ Radiology, Radiotherapy & Nuclear Medicine, MEDICAL \/ Surgery \/ Neurosurgery","Subjects":"Neurovascular diseases--Imaging--Case studies, Nervous system--Radiography--Case studies","Electronic_ISBN":"9781684200542","Print_ISBN":"9781684200535","Languages":"English","Published_Date":"2020-01-01","Resource_Type":"eBook.","Title_Abbreviations":"Imaging in Neurovascular Disease : A Case-Based Approach"}}
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["Waleed Brinjikji, Timo Krings, Waleed Brinjikji, Timo Krings","MEDICAL \/ Radiology, Radiotherapy & Nuclear Medicine, MEDICAL \/ Surgery \/ Neurosurgery","Neurovascular diseases--Imaging--Case studies, Nervous system--Radiography--Case studies","9781684200542","9781684200535","English","2020-01-01","eBook.","Imaging in Neurovascular Disease : A Case-Based Approach"]