A physician with thirty-five years of experience treating people with brain injuries shares the latest research on concussions and best practices for care.The explosion of attention to sports concussions has many of us thinking about the addled brains of our football and hockey heroes. But concussions happen to everyone, not just elite athletes. Children fall from high chairs, drivers and cyclists get into accidents, and workers encounter unexpected obstacles on the job. Concussions are prevalent, occurring even during everyday activities. In fact, in less time than it takes to read this sentence, three Americans will experience a concussion. The global statistics are no less staggering.Shaken Brain offers expert advice and urgently needed answers. Elizabeth Sandel, MD, is a board-certified physician who has spent more than three decades treating patients with traumatic brain injuries, training clinicians, and conducting research. Here she explains the scientific evidence for what happens to the brain and body after a concussion. And she shares stories from a diverse group of patients, educating readers on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Few people understand that what they do in the aftermath of their injury will make a dramatic difference to their future well-being; patient experiences testify to the best practices for concussion sufferers and their caregivers. Dr. Sandel also shows how to evaluate risks before participating in activities and how to use proven safety strategies to mitigate these risks.Today concussions aren't just injuries—they're big news. And, like anything in the news, they're the subject of much misinformation. Shaken Brain is the resource patients and their families, friends, and caregivers need to understand how concussions occur, what to expect from healthcare providers, and what the long-term consequences may be.
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["Elizabeth Sandel, Elizabeth Sandel","MEDICAL \/ Clinical Medicine, HEALTH & FITNESS \/ Diseases & Conditions \/ Nervous System (incl. Brain), MEDICAL \/ Diagnosis, MEDICAL \/ Neuroscience, MEDICAL \/ Sports Medicine","Brain--Concussion, Brain damage--Treatment, Sports injuries","9780674246324","9780674987418","English","2020-01-01","eBook.","Shaken Brain : The Science, Care, and Treatment of Concussion"]