Incidental Findings in Neuroimaging and Their Management : A Guide for Radiologists, Neurosurgeons, and Neurologists

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Kaye D. Westmark, Dong H. Kim, Roy F. Riascos-Castaneda, Kaye D. Westmark, Dong H. Kim, Roy F. Riascos-Castaneda
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{"title":"Incidental Findings in Neuroimaging and Their Management","subtitle":"A Guide for Radiologists, Neurosurgeons, and Neurologists","e_issn":null,"url":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e600tww&AN=2272477&site=ehost-live&scope=site","series":"","edition":"","author":"Kaye D. Westmark-Dong H. Kim-Roy F. Riascos","contract_publisher":"","imprint_publisher":"Thieme","pub_year":"2020","interest_area":["Neurology"," Radiology"],"lcc":"RC348 .I53 2020eb","lcsh":"Central nervous system--Diseases.,Diagnostic imaging.,Nervous system--Imaging.","language":"eng","format":"EPUB,PDF","downloadable":"TRUE","fiction":"FALSE","abridged":"","book_id":"2482107","isbn":"9781626238282","eisbn":"9781638535393","ocn":"1154901431","ddc":"616.8\/0475","isPdfLink":false,"isSAML":true,"an":"2272477","number_other":"","type_pub":"","isbn_print":"9781496372666","isbn_electronic":"9781496372680","languages":"English","date_entry":"","date_update":"","doi":"","titleSource":"","date_pub_cy":"","type_document":"","volume":null,"issue":null,"authored_on":"2019-01-01","description":"Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Renamed for this new edition, Hensley's Practical Approach to Cardiothoracic Anesthesia is ideal for fellows and residents as well as practicing anesthesiologists. The book is concisely written and readily accessible, with a scope that combines the depth of a reference book with the no-nonsense guidance of a clinically-oriented handbook. New editors, new content, and new access to procedural videos highlight this substantially revised edition.","publication_date":"2019-01-01","upload_link":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=nlebk&AN=2482107&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513&group=main&profile=eds","no_of_pages":"","authored_by":"Glenn P. Gravlee, Glenn P. Gravlee","header":{"DbId":"nlebk","DbLabel":"eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)","An":"2482107","RelevancyScore":"1097","PubType":"eBook","PubTypeId":"ebook","PreciseRelevancyScore":"1096.64697265625"},"plink":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=nlebk&AN=2482107&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513&group=main&profile=eds","additionalInfo":{"Authored_By":"Kaye D. Westmark, Dong H. Kim, Roy F. Riascos-Castaneda, Kaye D. Westmark, Dong H. Kim, Roy F. Riascos-Castaneda","Categories":"MEDICAL \/ Radiology, Radiotherapy & Nuclear Medicine, MEDICAL \/ Neurology, MEDICAL \/ Surgery \/ Neurosurgery","Subjects":"Central nervous system--Diseases, Nervous system--Imaging, Diagnostic imaging","Electronic_ISBN":"9781626238299","Print_ISBN":"9781626238282","Languages":"English","Published_Date":"2020-01-01","Resource_Type":"eBook.","Title_Abbreviations":"Incidental Findings in Neuroimaging and Their Management : A Guide for Radiologists, Neurosurgeons, and Neurologists"}}
Additional Info
["Kaye D. Westmark, Dong H. Kim, Roy F. Riascos-Castaneda, Kaye D. Westmark, Dong H. Kim, Roy F. Riascos-Castaneda","MEDICAL \/ Radiology, Radiotherapy & Nuclear Medicine, MEDICAL \/ Neurology, MEDICAL \/ Surgery \/ Neurosurgery","Central nervous system--Diseases, Nervous system--Imaging, Diagnostic imaging","9781626238299","9781626238282","English","2020-01-01","eBook.","Incidental Findings in Neuroimaging and Their Management : A Guide for Radiologists, Neurosurgeons, and Neurologists"]

A multidisciplinary guide to managing incidental findings in neuroimaging from top expertsIncidental Findings in Neuroimaging and Their Management: A Guide for Radiologists, Neurosurgeons, and Neurologists presents a streamlined, case-based approach to 50 commonly seen incidental findings in neuroimaging. Edited by Kaye Westmark, Dong Kim, and Roy Riascos, this unique book provides the necessary knowledge to manage significant unexpected findings—from identification and analysis to efficacious interventions. With collaborative contributions from neuroradiologists, neurosurgeons, neurologists, otolaryngologists, body and musculoskeletal imaging experts, endocrinologists and hematologists/oncologists, this resource encompasses a wide spectrum of incidental findings.Organized by six sections, the book starts with normal variants that are extremely important to recognize in order to avoid unwarranted additional testing and unnecessary stress for the patient. Subsequent sections detail abnormalities that require extensive clinical evaluation in order to determine ideal management. These include incidental findings for extracranial, extra-spinal, intracranial, and intraspinal imaging. The final section outlines CT and MR imaging artifacts that are particularly concerning because they may mimic more dangerous pathologies while degrading imaging quality and obscuring real findings.Key FeaturesKey findings and differential diagnosis are listed for each entityDiagnostic decision trees present algorithms in an easy-to-understand mannerArtifact analyses explain the technical reason for each artifact and what can be done to mitigate effectsClinical Q&As connect the radiologic diagnosis with actual case management decisions and provide in-depth background information that is applicable to management in various scenariosThis essential guide will help trainee and practicing neuroradiologists, neurosurgeons, and neurologists interpret incidental spine and brain imaging findings and make clinically informed, complex treatment decisions.

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