The Standardization Approach in End-of-Life Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatment: Sacrificing Patient's Safety and the Quality of Care.
Systematic Analysis and Critical Appraisal of the Quality of the Scientific Evidence and Conflicts of Interest in Practice Guidelines (2005-2013) for Barrett's Esophagus.
Poor compliance with adjuvant chemotherapy use associated with poorer survival in patients with rectal cancer: An NCDB analysis.
Development of practice guidelines for psychological interventions in the rehabilitation of patients with oncological disease (breast, prostate, or colorectal cancer): Methods and results.
Molecular Testing Turnaround Time for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in Routine Clinical Practice Confirms Feasibility of CAP/IASLC/AMP Guideline Recommendations: A Single-center Analysis.
Economy of Standards: European Association of Urology Guideline Changes Influence Treatment Costs in Stage I Testicular Cancer Patients.
Hepatocellular carcinoma imaging systems: why they exist, how they have evolved, and how they differ.