Nutrition in Clinical Practice

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Authored By
David Katz, Yeh Ming-Chin, Joshua Levitt, Kofi D. Essel, Shivam Joshi, Rachel Summer Clair Friedman, David Katz, Yeh Ming-Chin, Joshua Levitt, Kofi D. Essel, Shivam Joshi, Rachel Summer Clair Friedman
Authored On
Internal/Family Medicine
Internal/Family Medicine
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Fourth edition
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Additional Info
["David Katz, Yeh Ming-Chin, Joshua Levitt, Kofi D. Essel, Shivam Joshi, Rachel Summer Clair Friedman, David Katz, Yeh Ming-Chin, Joshua Levitt, Kofi D. Essel, Shivam Joshi, Rachel Summer Clair Friedman","MEDICAL \/ Internal Medicine, MEDICAL \/ Clinical Medicine, MEDICAL \/ Diet Therapy, MEDICAL \/ Nutrition","Evidence-based medicine, Clinical medicine, Medical personnel, Diet therapy, Diet in disease, Nutrition","9781975161514","9781975161491","English","2022-01-01","eBook.","Nutrition in Clinical Practice"]

Designed for busy clinicians struggling to fit the critical issue of nutrition into their routine patient encounters, Nutrition in Clinical Practice translates the robust evidence base underlying nutrition in health and disease into actionable, evidence-based clinical guidance on a comprehensive array of nutrition topics. Authoritative, thoroughly referenced, and fully updated, the revised 4th edition covers the full scope of nutrition applications in clinical practice, spanning health promotion, risk factor modification, prevention, chronic disease management, and weight control – with a special emphasis on providing concisely summarized action steps within the clinical workflow. Edited by Dr. David L. Katz (a world-renowned expert in nutrition, preventive medicine, and lifestyle medicine) along with Drs. Kofi D. Essel, Rachel S.C. Friedman, Shivam Joshi, Joshua Levitt, and Ming-Chin Yeh, Nutrition in Clinical Practice is a must-have resource for practicing clinicians who want to provide well-informed, compassionate, and effective nutritional counseling to patients.

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