Cervical Spine and Intervertebral Disc Anatomy - Male Version
Shalina TV Content Type
Practice Essentials
Emergency Medicine
Emergency Medicine
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Event Data
{"title":"Cervical Spine and Intervertebral Disc Anatomy - Male Version","url":"https:\/\/go.openathens.net\/redirector\/shalina.com?url=https%3A%2F%2Febsco.smartimagebase.com%2Fview-item%3FItemID%3D17832","id":"17832","category":null,"therapy_area":["Orthopedic"," Surgery"," Emergency Medicine"],"keywords":null,"description":"This 3D medical animation depicts the anatomy of the cervical spine and intervertebral disc. Details include orientation of the cervical spine, movements of the cervical spine, and movement of intervertebral discs. A cross-section of the intervertebral disk and spinal cord highlight the nucleus pulposus, annulus fibrosus, spinal cord, dura mater, spinal root, and spinal nerve."}
This 3D medical animation depicts the anatomy of the cervical spine and intervertebral disc. Details include orientation of the cervical spine, movements of the cervical spine, and movement of intervertebral discs. A cross-section of the intervertebral disk and spinal cord highlight the nucleus pulposus, annulus fibrosus, spinal cord, dura mater, spinal root, and spinal nerve.