This comprehensive animation, features three scenes of information describing circumstances surrounding a case where surgical intervention for a spinal cord angioma was deemed too risky to attempt due to the underlying factors. Scene 1- Anatomy of the heart and cerebral vasculature: Animation opens with male figure detailing a normal heart and ejection fraction of (75%) pumping blood into the vasculature and brain. Scene 2- Pre-existing cardiac complications with risk of cerebral embolism: This portion of the animation shows a damaged heart with lowered ejection fraction (25% and later 15%), with stents, and a Defibrillator. Additionally, it is noted that without Coumadin the potential for clots and brain damage increases. Scene 3- Finally, a lengthy operative scene shows the complexities of surgery and how invasive and risky the procedure to remove the angioma would have been.
Shalina TV Content Type
Surgeries and Procedures
Emergency Medicine
Emergency Medicine
Event Data
{"title":"Cervical Cavernous Angioma with Pre-existing Cardiac Complications","url":"https:\/\/\/redirector\/","id":"75231","category":null,"therapy_area":["Orthopedic"," Surgery"," Cardiology"," Emergency Medicine"],"keywords":null,"description":"This comprehensive animation, features three scenes of information describing circumstances surrounding a case where surgical intervention for a spinal cord angioma was deemed too risky to attempt due to the underlying factors. Scene 1- Anatomy of the heart and cerebral vasculature: Animation opens with male figure detailing a normal heart and ejection fraction of (75%) pumping blood into the vasculature and brain. Scene 2- Pre-existing cardiac complications with risk of cerebral embolism: This portion of the animation shows a damaged heart with lowered ejection fraction (25% and later 15%), with stents, and a Defibrillator. Additionally, it is noted that without Coumadin the potential for clots and brain damage increases. Scene 3- Finally, a lengthy operative scene shows the complexities of surgery and how invasive and risky the procedure to remove the angioma would have been."}
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