{"title":"Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection","url":"https:\/\/go.openathens.net\/redirector\/shalina.com?url=https%3A%2F%2Febsco.smartimagebase.com%2Fview-item%3FItemID%3D26491","id":"26491","category":null,"therapy_area":["Infectious Disease & Vaccines"," Emergency Medicine"," Surgery"],"keywords":null,"description":"This 3D medical animation shows a bacterial infection in the bloodstream caused by spread of bacteria from the cutaneous area to the intravascular area via a catheter insertion. The bacteria migrate to a thrombus as it forms on the tip of the catheter. An embolus breaks off the tip along with bacteria and they migrate downstream."}
This 3D medical animation shows a bacterial infection in the bloodstream caused by spread of bacteria from the cutaneous area to the intravascular area via a catheter insertion. The bacteria migrate to a thrombus as it forms on the tip of the catheter. An embolus breaks off the tip along with bacteria and they migrate downstream.