This comprehensive animation, features four main scenes of information, each describing the events which occurred during an abdominal gastroplasty and its subsequent conditions and surgeries. Scene 1- Features the following elements from : Laparoscopic vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG or stomach stapling). It contains the step by step elements: window cut in upper stomach, stomach stapled to form a pouch, Gore-Tex band placed, food moves from pouch into lower stomach. Scene 2- Features elements from : Laparoscopic Revision of VBG to Roux en Y. It contains the step by step elements: Multiple laparoscopic instruments placed, small bowel divided, Jejuno-jejunostomy (JJ) created, Gore-Tex band removal, gastric pouch creation, stomach resection, bowel mobilized and attached to gastric pouch, subsequent 180? twist in proximal bowel, kink in lower bowel, subsequent obstructed flow. Scene 3- Features the following elements from : Surgery- Mechanical Bowel Obstruction. It contains the step by step elements: Open incision with exposure of the abdominal contents, new anastomosis at distal bowel kink site, 180? twist is left uncorrected. Scene 4- Features the following elements from : Surgery- Repair of twist in roux limb. It contains the step by step elements: Resection of 180? twist in proximal bowel, bowel mobilization, and finally creation of a new anastomosis.
Shalina TV Content Type
Surgeries and Procedures
Event Data
{"title":"Bariatric Operations","url":"https:\/\/\/redirector\/","id":"75227","category":null,"therapy_area":["Gastroenterology"," Surgery"],"keywords":null,"description":"This comprehensive animation, features four main scenes of information, each describing the events which occurred during an abdominal gastroplasty and its subsequent conditions and surgeries. Scene 1- Features the following elements from : Laparoscopic vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG or stomach stapling). It contains the step by step elements: window cut in upper stomach, stomach stapled to form a pouch, Gore-Tex band placed, food moves from pouch into lower stomach. Scene 2- Features elements from : Laparoscopic Revision of VBG to Roux en Y. It contains the step by step elements: Multiple laparoscopic instruments placed, small bowel divided, Jejuno-jejunostomy (JJ) created, Gore-Tex band removal, gastric pouch creation, stomach resection, bowel mobilized and attached to gastric pouch, subsequent 180? twist in proximal bowel, kink in lower bowel, subsequent obstructed flow. Scene 3- Features the following elements from : Surgery- Mechanical Bowel Obstruction. It contains the step by step elements: Open incision with exposure of the abdominal contents, new anastomosis at distal bowel kink site, 180? twist is left uncorrected. Scene 4- Features the following elements from : Surgery- Repair of twist in roux limb. It contains the step by step elements: Resection of 180? twist in proximal bowel, bowel mobilization, and finally creation of a new anastomosis."}
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