Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer!

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Online Webinars
Authored By
Dr. Pedro Ordunezz
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Emergency Medicine
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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the Americas and raised blood pressure accounts for over 50% of CVD. Unfortunately, in the Americas, over a quarter of adult women and four in ten adult men have hypertension, and the diagnosis, treatment, and control are suboptimal. Remarkably, only a few countries exhibit a population hypertension control rate of over 50%. To address this critical problem, PAHO initiated the HEARTS in the Americas, a comprehensive CVD risk reduction initiative currently being implemented in nearly 1400 health facilities in 22 countries.

This webinar will highlight the following points:

  • low hypertension awareness rate worldwide
  • promote accurate blood pressure measurement methods
  • underscore the importance of improving hypertension control to live longer and healthier.
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