Anesthesia: Essential Clinical Updates for Practitioners: Regional, Ultrasound, Coagulation, Obstetrics and Pediatrics

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Amballur D. John, Amballur D. John
Authored On
Pain & Anesthesiology
Pain & Anesthesiology
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{"title":"Anesthesia: Essential Clinical Updates for Practitioners: Regional, Ultrasound, Coagulation, Obstetrics and Pediatrics","subtitle":"","e_issn":null,"url":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e600tww&AN=1484418&site=ehost-live&scope=site","series":"Recent Advances in Anesthesiology Ser.","edition":"","author":"Amballur D. John","contract_publisher":"","imprint_publisher":"Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.","pub_year":"2018","interest_area":["Pain & Anesthesiology"," Radiology"],"lcc":"RD81","lcsh":"Anesthesia.","language":"und","format":"EPUB,PDF","downloadable":"TRUE","fiction":"FALSE","abridged":"","book_id":"1934263","isbn":"9781681087221","eisbn":"9781681087214","ocn":"1076259211","ddc":"617.96","isPdfLink":false,"isSAML":true,"an":"1484418","number_other":"","type_pub":"","isbn_print":"9781451193466","isbn_electronic":"9781496317568","languages":"Undetermined","date_entry":"","date_update":"","doi":"","titleSource":"","date_pub_cy":"","type_document":"","volume":null,"issue":null,"authored_on":"2016-01-01","description":"The Continuum of Stroke Care: An Interprofessional Approach to Evidence-Based Care will address the clinical care of stroke patients across the continuum of care from primary prevention of stroke, the acute and subacute treatment of stroke syndromes through rehabilitation, and reintegration into the community. Each chapter will review current evidence-based practice guiding clinical stroke care. The book will address the American Stroke Association's Stroke Chain of Survival addressing prehospital care of the stroke patient and the development of stroke systems of care to provide all people in the United States access to acute stroke care. Additionally, the book will cover the current role of state legislation in stroke care and the evolution of hospital stroke certification. The book will serve as a clinical resource providing detailed comprehensive medical and nursing care of all stroke subtypes while also addressing the system of stroke care in which medical, nursing and interprofessional care provided. As such, the book will serve as a clinical resource to medical and nursing caregivers providing direct patient care as well as stroke coordinators, program directors and other hospital administrators developing stroke programs. The book will also be a clinical resource for stroke interprofessional team members such as physical therapists, occupational therapists, Stroke care is most successful at improving patient outcomes when delivered by an interdisciplinary team. Each chapter will address the critical role of the interprofessional team and highlight comprehensive care of the stroke patient rather than focusing only on nursing care. Books published to date focus solely on the medical or nursing care of the stroke patient without attention to the stroke system of care and the role of the multidisciplinary team in improving stroke outcomes. Additionally, each chapter will highlight ongoing research trials and opportunities, with the recognition that the scientific foundation for acute stroke care is rapidly evolving.","publication_date":"2016-01-01","upload_link":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=nlebk&AN=1934263&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513&group=main&profile=eds","no_of_pages":"","authored_by":"Joanne V. Hickey,, Sarah Livesay, Joanne V. Hickey,, Sarah Livesay","header":{"DbId":"nlebk","DbLabel":"eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)","An":"1934263","RelevancyScore":"1084","PubType":"eBook","PubTypeId":"ebook","PreciseRelevancyScore":"1083.55249023438"},"plink":"https:\/\/\/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=nlebk&AN=1934263&authtype=shib&custid=ns346513&group=main&profile=eds","additionalInfo":{"Authored_By":"Amballur D. John, Amballur D. John","Categories":"MEDICAL \/ Anesthesiology, MEDICAL \/ Critical Care","Subjects":"Anesthesia","Electronic_ISBN":"9781681087214","Print_ISBN":"9781681087221","Languages":"English","Published_Date":"2018-01-01","Resource_Type":"eBook.","Title_Abbreviations":"Anesthesia: Essential Clinical Updates for Practitioners: Regional, Ultrasound, Coagulation, Obstetrics and Pediatrics","Volume":"00001"}}
Additional Info
["Amballur D. John, Amballur D. John","MEDICAL \/ Anesthesiology, MEDICAL \/ Critical Care","Anesthesia","9781681087214","9781681087221","English","2018-01-01","eBook.","Anesthesia: Essential Clinical Updates for Practitioners: Regional, Ultrasound, Coagulation, Obstetrics and Pediatrics","00001"]

This book provides a quick update on key aspects of current anesthesia practice. Book chapters are written in a concise manner to enable readers (anesthesia providers and medical students) to quickly refresh their knowledge, and understand the essential points about key topics. The chapters are written by eminent clinicians who are also outstanding teachers in their respective anesthesia training programs. Topics covered in this volume include: trauma, trauma anesthesia, regional anesthesia, upper extremity blocks, lower extremity blocks, ultrasound, the use of ultrasound for blocks and vascular access, coagulation, hemostasis, transfusion, anticoagulants and their reversal, issues in pediatric anesthesia, and pediatric trauma, as well as obstetrical anesthesia. The book serves as a handbook for advanced anesthesia professionals and a textbook for medical students.

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